Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
1. Payment will be bank transfer, bundles, packages, or passes via my booking system on the website or via gym-catch app before the session. In person payment is only allowed after discussion with Bambusa Pilates.
2. If you or anyone in your family is ill due to Covid a make-up class/ zoom class will be offered. (see Covid Risk Assessment). If you have to cancel a class you can do this up to 24 hours before a single class or a block booking for a class credit. Only under exceptional circumstances will a full refund be given after a discussion with Karen Jones.
2a. If you have booked a block of 6 sessions these are offered at a lower price as well as having access to a free Zoom session once a term. You are able to change your sessions to another class within if you cancel the class within 24 hours of booking and rebook another class subject to space in other classes. Only under exceptional circumstances will a full refund for the block be offered. Please use this discretion wisely. If it is noticed that you continue to cancel classes it is recommended that you book pay as you go sessions.
3. Payment will be in 6-week blocks for Zoom/studio/hall bookings. If there is space you are welcome to pay as you go via the website or you can email and if there is space I will add you to the class. The pay as you go slots will open at least 24 hours before the session and close 2 hours before the session starts. Sessions later in the blocks will be available to book sooner subject to space.
3 a. If you are participating via ZOOM you agree to the following: It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure:
there is sufficient space to perform the exercises safely and move freely without obstacles or obstructions, free from furniture, equipment and other hazards – a minimum of four square metres per person
any equipment is safe and in a suitable condition for the activity being performed
the surrounding floor space is entirely clear to remove any hazards that may increase the risk of slips, trips or falls • there are no distractions throughout the duration of the session
there is sufficient heating, lighting, ventilation and hydration. In addition, a disclaimer applies in respect of any pre-recorded sessions: which will need to be signed.
4. If I have to cancel due or illness or unforeseen circumstances I will try and get a cover teacher or offer you a refund or offer you an alternative class either in person or via zoom.
5. Government Covid guidelines relating to GDPR and Health and safety will be followed, see:
6 Please arrive at the time requested (I may have to stagger timings depending upon Covid / venue guidelines. . www.gov.uk/coronavirus. I will start Zoom and live lessons on time and will not be able to admit people who are late as this will disrupt the lesson and you will have missed your warm up. Bambusa Pilates would like you to arrive on time so you have adequate time to warm up and so as not to disturb others in the class. Late entry will not be permitted. If you are late due to unforeseen circumstances I will offer you a make-up class either on another day or via zoom.
7 If Bambusa Pilates is unable to complete all classes in the block within the scheduled time frame, all reasonable attempts will be made to provide the client with supplementary class solutions.
8. It is preferable that clients can bring their own equipment. Bambusa Pilates will have some equipment which will be sanitised before use in line with government Covid guidelines if there is an occasion when equipment has to be lent out. As restrictions are lifted I will have more equipment to share however, if you prefer you can bring or purchase your own equipment.
9. All bookings must be placed in writing using the relevant registration form(s). Places are not confirmed until health forms or payment are received. These must be updated every year. You must also let the instructor know if you have any health changes or concerns before the session. (Please also read the Bambusa Covid Protocol which is in practises to ensure safe practise. This will be guided by HSE and government guidance and https://www.gov.uk/guidance/reducing-the-spread-of-respiratory-infections-including-covid-19-in-the-workplace
As restrictions have been lifted I will still follow good practise following government advice so you continue to feel safe: I will continue to have hand sanitiser available and/or hand washing facilities. I will continue to keep rooms ventilated. I will continue to sanitise all equipment. I ask people not to attend with Covid symptoms and will offer an alternative class for those who have had to miss classes due to Covid. I continue to have small classes to reduce the transmission rate. I encourage you to ask questions if you are worried about anything. If I do not know the answer I will find someone who does.
10 Travel is at the expense of the client and not included in the price of the lessons.
11 Places are subject to availability. Bambusa Pilates reserves the right to cancel, withdraw, change or relocate a lesson within a reasonable time frame. Bambusa Pilates shall not be held liable for any loss of earnings or expenses as a result of such changes.
12 Bambusa Pilates cannot be held responsible for cancellations caused by circumstances outside of their control.
(i.e., weather, travel issues, strikes, Covid etc.) Bambusa Pilates will make reasonable attempts to respond to such situations and achieve a satisfactory resolution.
13. By signing this agreement you are also signing that you have read Bambusa’s Covid Protocol.
14. I will provide my insurance details (FIT PRO) First aid certificate and training certificate if you would like to view them.
15 All personal information will be held in accordance with GDPR. It will be in a secure place and Karen Jones is normally the only person that has access to this information. If I have a cover teacher they will need access to some of your personal information to teach you safely. Other people who I employ may also see your personal information. They will not share this information. By signing this agreement, you agree to sharing essential information with any cover teachers that may cover Karen Jones sessions for your safety and wellbeing. You also agree to other individuals who I may have to employ at times to see some of your personal information. They will only see any information that is needed for their job. This will be GDPR compliant.
16. Any photos that I take of you may be published on my website or social media, but I will always ask your permission before taking your photo. You can decline to have your photo taken.
Exercise Waiver

You hereby confirm that you are healthy and that you have no contraindications to participating in Bambusa Pilates exercises classes either in person or via zoom. You recognise that these are exercise workouts, and you retain all responsibility for your well-being and of physical health to be able to perform these exercises. As with this and any workout programme, you should consult your doctor prior to beginning. You are fully aware that all forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. You confirm that you have been cleared to practising the Pilates Method and you have your physician’s approval join a Pilates workout before beginning this or any other exercise program. If you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity, then you must consult your physician prior to starting our Pilates classes and should not participate in the class. This workout is not intended for anyone who is injured, ill or a participant not medically cleared to exercise. If You want to receive video or audio exercise sessions you will need to complete another exercise waiver which is either on this website or Bambusa Pilates will give you a hard copy to sign.
I, the client, acknowledge once more all exercise and participation, virtual or in person, is done at my own risk, Bambusa Pilates is not liable for personal injury. I hereby assume all risks associated with the use of the content, the teaching, the exercises shared during the classes and zoom classes. I hereby agree to release Bambusa Pilates and their staff and management against, any and all claims, including, but not limited to, personal injury, including bodily injury or death, whether or not based on the acts or omission of Bambusa Pilates by myself.
The terms and conditions contained herein, along with the Rules and Regulations, constitute the full agreement between Bambusa Pilates and me, the client, and no oral promises made are a part of it.
I agree that I am voluntarily participating in classes given by Bambusa Pilates. I agree to assume full responsibility for any injuries which I might incur as a result of participating in this class. I will monitor my own safety and fitness level during zoom and face to face classes. I have read the Covid Risk Assessment.
I agree
Last updated 16.08.2022